Pamela's School Days

Monday, January 01, 2007

Romania and Bulgaria???

How in the world did this happen? I've clearly been out of a major loop, astonished to hear today that Romania and Bulgaria are now members of the European Union. For them, the benefits are clear. For member countries, particularly those into which Romanians and Bulgarians will try to immigrate, it seems such a bad idea! I've read in today's online London Times, that Britain has already set limits on numbers of people and types of jobs that may be enjoyed by Romanians and Bulgarians. Basically, seasonal agricultural jobs and very highly skilled jobs may be held, for limited periods of time. The BBC World Service said that it's expected that few Rs and Bs will emigrate, and if they do, it will be to southern Europe. I don't believe it for a moment. They will follow the money. New ghettos will follow. Do gypsies have passports?

I really don't get it. As far as I know, Bulgaria has famous yoghurt and Romania has nothing but problems. I'll have to read up. Can anyone give me some background on this?


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