2008 (creeping in)
Dear all,
The most notable feature of the year so far is a monster cold, that daily wins more territory. I'm dosing with the usual (vitamins, orange juice and nose spray, which is as far as one gets in the druggists here). Seemingly not on the market here are the various life-enhancing things one gets on shelves routinely in the U.S., "Zicam" being the best (for singers, especially, since it just dries up the 'mask' and doesn't inhibit the voice or one's ability to operate machines), and "Contac" likely the worst, but at LEAST they dry up one's head and render life possible.
Since it likely arrived in me courtesy of fellow train travelers, I decided today not to infect my whole office.
So, off to bed with a big, fat WHINGE.
I hope you're all far better off.
'til soon,